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By: MackemCat 01.12.2013 18:45 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Tabitha Moth (aka Tibby or Pip) Tags:
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lasombra99 03.12.2013 20:05 | Flag
I'm really sorry for your loss, Lucinda now rests in a better world, and someday you'll play there together again, don't be too sad, you'll met her again.
Eli 03.12.2013 08:29 | Flag
MackemCat 02.12.2013 21:42 | Flag
I saw Amanda's photo. She was so beautiful....I hope they have found each other and all the rest of our little angels at Rainbow Bridge.........xx
MackemCat 02.12.2013 21:39 | Flag
thank you everyone for your kind words......all very much appreciated at this very sad time for us........xx
trhays57 02.12.2013 14:09 | Flag
So very, very sorry for yours and Tabitha's loss. May Lucinda rest in peace now and run free from any pain she was in. Lucinda, kiss my Amanda when you get to the Rainbow Bridge. Hugs and love to you and Tabitha.
gillybean 02.12.2013 09:56 | Flag
So sad for you and dear Tabitha: RIP sweet Lucinda.
smokeyfuffy 01.12.2013 22:51 | Flag
Very sorry Greta...sweet, beloved Lucinda rest in peace...hugs
iluvcats 01.12.2013 22:36 | Flag
Big hugs to you dear Tabitha - - what a wonderful pal you were to dear Lucinda ... I know she will be watching over you honey ... tears
MackemCat 01.12.2013 21:46 | Flag
Thank you so much.....I will tell Tabitha how we have such lovely friends........x
Ti´anna 01.12.2013 20:49 | Flag
Oh... So sorry... :( xxx
BUDDERS 01.12.2013 20:09 | Flag
I'm so very is very heart breaking.....:( hugs
MackemCat 01.12.2013 19:25 | Flag
I am so glad I have such wonderful friends at Picato....thank you.......xxxxx
MackemCat 01.12.2013 19:16 | Flag
Thank you so much......Tabitha is one of my best friends too.......She is sweet and clever, she has that intuition, knowing if someone is sad or not well or just sharing happiness. I love her so much....It's terrible that she is so sad but she needed to see Lucinda, to understand what was happening. I'm so glad that they saw each other for the last time. One day I'm sure we will all be re-united at Rainbow Bridge........xx
iluvcats 01.12.2013 19:10 | Flag
Oh Greta ... I've not been able to stop thinking of your beloved Lucinda and how her loss is affecting you and her best, best pals ... I so feel your pain my friend ...
agroshong 01.12.2013 19:05 | Flag
Oh Greta, I'm so glad that Tabitha had a chance to say goodbye to Lucinda. You both will need each other's comfort.
MackemCat 01.12.2013 18:55 | Flag
Tabitha has been with Lucinda for over fourteen years and was with her at the vets to say goodbye on Friday, the day Lucinda died. I knew Lucinda would want to see her.....Tabitha washed Lucinda's face and was trying to comfort her. Lucinda was finding breathing difficult and Tabitha knew. She is in mourning. She is very quiet and wants to be comforted herself........It's heart breaking to see the grief expressed by such a tiny cat. I'm giving her lots of cuddles....Just like Tabitha, I cannot believe Lucinda is not here any may tears........
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