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By: MackemCat 30.11.2013 18:38 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Lucinda (aka Lucie Caleb) Tags:
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Eli 03.12.2013 08:33 | Flag
I love you Lucie
MackemCat 02.12.2013 21:40 | Flag
Merci, Poupie....x
POUPIE 02.12.2013 17:31 | Flag
Ma toute Belle,tu étais si jolie et tu faisais la joie de ta Maman,à laquelle je pense ,en ce moment pense ,à vous Deux, Gréta....,bien évidemment.......
MackemCat 01.12.2013 21:44 | Flag
Merci beaucoup. Vos mots qu'ils me donnent le confort. xxx
Chiara74 01.12.2013 21:29 | Flag
Lucinda ma jolie, tu as rejoint le Pont de l'Arc en Ciel, et tu nous rend tous tristes sur Picato, et ta maman a beaucoup de chagrin. Je pense bien à vous Greta, je vous souhaite bien du courage.
MackemCat 01.12.2013 19:00 | Flag
I am so grateful for your kind words of comfort. Thank you so much.....Greta xx
agroshong 01.12.2013 17:45 | Flag
So sorry Greta. Lucinda was a sweet princess.
pmgr111 01.12.2013 02:07 | Flag
RIP Lucinda. You had a wonderful life with your adopted mom.
iluvcats 30.11.2013 20:16 | Flag
Oh no - - oh my sweet friend Lucinda ... I'm so, so very sorry ... 17 years with your Momma ... What a brave little girl you have been. So beautiful, so sweet to your furry friends ... a gift from high ... Greta my dear friend - I feel your pain ... a finer Momma cannot be found on the planet than you. Tears ... run free precious Lucinda ... and the warmth and friendship of the bridge will keep you forever and ever. You will not be forgotten lovey ...
tele_mark 30.11.2013 19:03 | Flag
RIP little angel.
MackemCat 30.11.2013 18:41 | Flag
God bless and take care of a special new angel in heaven......sweet darling Lucinda who lost her fight against kidney failure on 29th November 2013.......Love and kisses........until we meet again........xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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