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By: doerscheln 30.11.2013 13:47 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Paulinchen Moritz Tags:
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doerscheln 04.12.2013 12:40 | Flag
Vielen Dank Elisabeth :) Ich hoffe, der Rest gefällt Dir auch.
Eli 04.12.2013 07:53 | Flag
Ich habe deinen blog gelesen (einen Teil!), die Geschichte von Willi hat mit sehr gefallen, so wie die Einleitung. Lese heute weiter, brauche ja keinen Google translator, Gott sei Dank :))
doerscheln 03.12.2013 09:17 | Flag
Okay a Google translation is better than no translation at all. :) I have tried it, too and many sentences were translated well but some translations are just bad or totally wrong or it is just a funny sentence that makes no sense at all. lol
tele_mark 03.12.2013 04:30 | Flag
YEah, I can do it that way in a pinch so I can read the page.
pmgr111 01.12.2013 20:06 | Flag
Again on the translate. I've got more than one "tab" set up as my home screen and I make one of the tabs that isn't showing Picato Google translate and copy and paste the words.
pmgr111 01.12.2013 20:03 | Flag
Tele mark - I'm sure you know computers well but have you tried just coping the text off the web site and pasting it into Google Translate. I did it one paragraph at a time and was able to get it translated. I use it a lot with Picato comments that aren't in English.
doerscheln 01.12.2013 10:52 | Flag
Strange you cant translate. I am working on a new site that will look a bit more professional but maybe I should better work on a translation. :) It is all about how I got my cats and what they have experienced....
tele_mark 01.12.2013 07:16 | Flag
I don't know what's wrong, but I've tried Google Translate in Explorer 11, Firefox, and Chrome, and I only see the background of the home page and the music playing. With no translate, I can see the whole page. But alas, despite my heritage, my parents didn't teach me German (tears).
pmgr111 01.12.2013 02:05 | Flag
No I didn't get music but the site is nice.
doerscheln 30.11.2013 17:30 | Flag
Thank you :) Could you hear the music or didn't it work with your browser ?
pmgr111 30.11.2013 16:24 | Flag
Well now I did read the home page courtesy of Google Translate. Wonderful story and beautiful cats.
pmgr111 30.11.2013 16:21 | Flag
Wow I see several of your cats on the site. The mouse trail is cute. I can't read it but enjoyed the pics. This one is precious. The light is so wonderful as it the basket of cats.
agroshong 30.11.2013 15:37 | Flag
hi sweeties
doerscheln 30.11.2013 14:05 | Flag Sorry, but I havent found the time to translate in english yet
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