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15.07.2017 21:46 | Flag
Claire says:
Nom nom nom...
08.07.2017 07:45 | Flag
Claire says:
Tetherball champion!
07.07.2017 10:18 | Flag
Claire says:
Is breakfast ready yet?
05.07.2017 08:54 | Flag
Claire says:
No guitar for YOU!
02.07.2017 15:36 | Flag
Claire says:
LOL I never noticed AC's head before. Reminds me of that guy in the waiting room scene in "Beetlejuice"!
02.07.2017 15:23 | Flag
Claire says:
Probably not...the other side of that door is a clothes closet. :o)
02.07.2017 10:23 | Flag
Claire says:
Apparently the invisible pixies have migrated from the ceiling down to the walls!
27.06.2017 21:53 | Flag
Claire says:
Happiness is a warm belly!
26.06.2017 15:10 | Flag
Claire says:
Claire had a bad hairball blockage last week while staying at her grandparent's house. I booked her in at one of the local Vets. Of course by the time of the visit the log jam problem had "passed". I took her in anyway for a meet and greet and a check up just to get her on the books and established at a Vet's office around the corner from her home away from home. She turned on the charm, and the techs up here are as smitten with her as the ones back home!
18.06.2017 08:58 | Flag
Claire says:
I'm thankful she is so small because her "move" in the morning when she wants me to get up and feed her is to leap up from the floor and land right on my head! If my last cat (18 lbs. compared to Claire at 7.5 lbs.) had of done the same thing she would have killed me!!!
01.06.2017 01:35 | Flag
Claire says:
Ooh...exotic eyes!
30.05.2017 08:23 | Flag
Claire says:
Shin Valley.
28.05.2017 23:33 | Flag
Claire says:
My sun worshiping perch potato!
18.05.2017 05:50 | Flag
Claire says:
The iPad charger cable.
17.05.2017 22:48 | Flag
Claire says:
Claire, have you seen Pop's glasses?
13.05.2017 21:33 | Flag
Claire says:
Spider dead!
13.05.2017 21:33 | Flag
Claire says:
Spider seen...
29.04.2017 11:24 | Flag
Claire says:
Just seeing two sides of the would be really cool if it ran around the entire perimeter!
29.04.2017 11:23 | Flag
Claire says:
Has construction begun at the Ambercat compound???
22.04.2017 19:46 | Flag
Claire says:
I think I just got lucky with the personality on this one! She really seems quite content and happy with just the two of us in the apartment. If I sensed that she was lonely and blue I would get her a buddy, but she seems fine with the present arrangement. I actually think that seeing as she has been the queen bee around here for almost a decade she might get her nose out of joint if an interloper arrived on the scene...LOL!
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