Claire says:
This is how Claire sets her trap. When a guest is over and sitting on the couch she jumps up right beside them lying sphinx-like against their leg and let's them pet her all they want. Then when they've developed a false sense of security she rolls over on her back still leaning against their thigh, and she spreads her legs so they have clear access for a belly rub. First timers always fall for her little ruse! She is a good girl so all she really does is quickly close all paws and her mouth on the person's hand to give them a fright, but she just touches their hands with her claws and teeth, there's no real scratching or biting that even leaves a mark involved but it still scares the heck outta people...LOL!!!
Claire says:
Snoozing on Gramma's lap! Claire has been up at my Mom's place keeping her company since my Dad passed away last month. She has never gotten on anyone's lap since I adopted her 9 years ago!
Claire says:
Yeah I know it's a cat site, but figured everybody here loves animals in general, and seeing such a happy puppy made me feel happy so I thought it might brighten everyone else's day too!
Claire says:
Yep, even though it has an automatic shut off I unplug it before leaving for work. When I get home I crank the A.C. in the bedroom and plug the pad back in.
Claire says:
Since I set the central air for the bedroom VERY cool for sleeping, I've started leaving a heating pad on the bed for Claire. Do you think she likes it?