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09.04.2017 19:21 | Flag
Claire says:
And I know how the animal hospital staffs try to put the best possible spin on your pets behavior, so when I hear "she got a little bit angry with me" I just assume she went full bore psycho and tried to kill everybody in the room...LOL!
09.04.2017 17:32 | Flag
Claire says:
Apparently all bets were off yesterday when she took umbrage at the intensity of the nail bed cleaning, and wasn't at all shy about letting them know she took exception to what was happening...LOL!
09.04.2017 13:39 | Flag
Claire says:
Claire did not manage to get in this box...BUT IT WASN'T FOR A LACK OF TRYING! She got both front paws in before realizing it wasn't going to happen. I had to set her straight..."Sorry Toots, you may be dainty, but you ain't THAT dainty"!
08.04.2017 23:31 | Flag
Claire says:
LOL...looks like we're dealing with a real character here!
08.04.2017 13:20 | Flag
Claire says:
Apparently she was a bit on the "feisty" side again today!
18.03.2017 22:14 | Flag
Claire says:
Yup, the vet said that alcohol is the main transporting agent for the scent and that I should let it evaporate before Pissy McWetwet goes in her carrier.
13.03.2017 04:30 | Flag
Claire says:
Hi Doodle!
12.03.2017 09:31 | Flag
Claire says:
No...little "Pee Pee Rodriguez" wet the carrier again. She only made it as far as the elevator this time. At the Vet's they gave me a special spray that's supposed to relieve anxiety, and some big absorbent pads to line the carrier with to try during her next outing.
10.03.2017 02:10 | Flag
Claire says:
Look up bushy in the dictionary and you will see a picture of that tail!
05.03.2017 18:10 | Flag
Claire says:
"Yeah, I'm getting fur on your freshly washed towels again...problem"?
28.02.2017 15:20 | Flag
Claire says:
If it just weren't for that more prominent orange patch on the inner corner of her left eye compared to the right one. Nothing an eyedropper loaded with bleach couldn't address...I kid, I kid!!!
27.02.2017 01:37 | Flag
Claire says:
Very stoic, and intelligent looking face!
27.02.2017 00:09 | Flag
Claire says:
Love April, and that she helped Tango get over a broken heart...but still sad about Bella.
26.02.2017 20:57 | Flag
Claire says:
How dare DARE you sir!!!
25.02.2017 01:03 | Flag
Claire says:
Well, 'twasn't so much the antagonism as it was my tipsy, (yep, I had poured a couple of cocktails to calm my nerves after the initial exchange) foul tempered venting that resulted that convinced me to give FB a rest for a while.
25.02.2017 00:50 | Flag
Claire says:
I don't care who you are, THAT'S some artistic stuff right there!
23.02.2017 02:50 | Flag
Claire says:
Check me out here from now on, seeing as Pops has deactivated his facebook account. He let one of his life long antagonists (facebook "friend") piss him off so much a couple of days ago that he was taking it out on other facebook friends left right and centre! Maybe he will sign into FB again in the future if he can learn to control that temper, but more likely not.
08.02.2017 13:35 | Flag
Claire says:
Thanks for the well wishes. Dad's doing okay, his speech wasn't effected, and he is still "with it". It left him very weak, but he is getting around with the help of a walker. The main problem was that he couldn't swallow for the first couple of weeks so he had to stay in the hospital with a feeding tube. As with many stroke victims he was feeling a bit blue when he got back home. When I heard that I took Claire right up there and left her, because my dad LOVES that cat, so I reckoned having her around could only help with his mood!
07.02.2017 13:18 | Flag
Claire says:
Yes, this was back at the end of 2015 during her horrible pancreatitis episode.
07.02.2017 11:30 | Flag
Claire says:
Don't worry Ambercat...that fur will grow back so quickly you'll be ready for your next glamour shot within a month!
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