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06.08.2016 11:58 | Flag
Claire says:
She loves the box the new shoes came in...but now she smells like rubber!
03.08.2016 11:25 | Flag
Claire says:
That was one of the recommendations from the Vet's...give her the same amount of food daily, but with smaller, more frequent servings
02.08.2016 22:45 | Flag
Claire says:
Claire continues to thrive on her new food prescribed after her terrible bout of pancreatitis. She gets 1/6 of a can 4 times daily (2/3 of a can per day). I nuke each serving for 9 seconds then mush in some hot water so her delectable meal is the consistency, and temperature of fresh mouse guts...LOL!!!
22.07.2016 15:00 | Flag
Claire says:
Mmm spaghetti...The annoying look is because the kitchen staff didn't provide any marinara sauce or Parmesan cheese to go with it!
20.07.2016 23:05 | Flag
Claire says:
You call THAT a guitar solo?!!
17.07.2016 21:01 | Flag
Claire says:
Well if they were smart they would have trimmed the claws first (which she has no problem with) before attempting the thorough nail bed cleaning!
16.07.2016 19:18 | Flag
Claire says:
She wasn't putting up with much today. She went to the Vet's this morning for nail beds to be cleaned. When the tech brought her to the waiting room after it was done she commented "Well...she was a little more feisty than usual back there today"!
05.07.2016 23:03 | Flag
Claire says:
🎼🎤I feel pretty...
05.07.2016 22:23 | Flag
Claire says:
"It's still there, isn't it"?
03.07.2016 21:29 | Flag
Claire says:
"I'm going to turn away for 10 seconds, and when I turn back around that hoof had better not still be hovering over my box"!
02.07.2016 17:31 | Flag
Claire says:
MMM, moths! Claire's faves are the big juicy spiders that take over the balcony in the summer, and occasionally get in the apartment. These freaks resemble eight legged concord grapes, and when Claire sees one dinner bells go off in her head!
25.06.2016 12:04 | Flag
Claire says:
The only mystery here is where she gets the nerve to hog all the pillows yet again! LOL!
23.06.2016 00:57 | Flag
Claire says:
I's photogenic tonight Pops!
17.06.2016 21:56 | Flag
Claire says:
Get to it Pops, this belly ain't gonna brush itself!
12.06.2016 22:22 | Flag
Claire says:
Claire is looking at me with great disappointment at my online incompetence that is delaying my Picato donation...will give it another shot tonight.
07.06.2016 23:05 | Flag
Claire says:
I love to singa about the moona and the Juna and the springa!
04.06.2016 21:11 | Flag
Claire says:
She must have just been brushed, because her belly consists of about 50 cowlicks all swirling in different directions!
04.06.2016 21:08 | Flag
Claire says:
It is, but I still like to see the occasional cute little woofer like this fella!
04.06.2016 17:41 | Flag
Claire says:
An oldie but a goodie!
22.05.2016 08:37 | Flag
Claire says:
LOL that'll learn 'em!
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