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21.05.2016 19:05 | Flag
Claire says:
"Officer Claire reporting in...punks on scooters observed in front parking lot...going downstairs to investigate"!
21.05.2016 10:41 | Flag
Claire says:
I'm so used to it now, that l forget how small she is. I was at a Petsmart the other day buying her some more of those little soccer balls, and decided to check out the adoption center. My first reaction when I saw the cats was "good lord...what sort of genetic mutation produced these freakishly huge behemoths"??? Then I realized that they were just average sized, and it was Claire that wasn't!
17.05.2016 21:18 | Flag
Claire says:
Just a note to everyone that was asking about Claire's health...she continues to be the picture of health in spite of the dire illness she went through leading up to Christmas. The change of food, it's preparation, and the spacing and portion sizes of each meal really seems to have turned things around for her.
07.05.2016 22:47 | Flag
Claire says:
Claire defies the normal cat body language rules. The flicking/darting tail doesn't mean she's pee'd off, just means "Hey how ya doin'"!
30.04.2016 07:01 | Flag
Claire says:
She was hiding behind furniture and chewing on electric cords.
28.04.2016 18:23 | Flag
Claire says:
What a lay out! I need to mail Claire down there for a vacation LOL!
28.04.2016 17:39 | Flag
Claire says:
Yep...Dad's lil' weirdo won't use the bed without the towel LOL!
19.04.2016 20:58 | Flag
Claire says:
Happy birthday Moritz!
14.04.2016 22:58 | Flag
Claire says:
Dad is just out of frame wearing a giant chef's hat, and grilling up some brats...HOAGIES FOR EVERYONE!
11.04.2016 18:41 | Flag
Claire says:
It's one thing to get fur all over the coat, but I really think that gloating about it by laughing right in my face was TOTALLY uncalled for!
11.04.2016 18:40 | Flag
Claire says:
On Facebook I called this a kitty quesadilla!
08.04.2016 21:52 | Flag
Claire says:
If I outlive Claire I would definitely get a couple of cats instead of just one. I used to consider getting Claire a little buddy, but I think she's spend too much time as the queen bee to go for another cat in the apartment.
07.04.2016 19:11 | Flag
Claire says:
She was actually holding on to my arm and grooming my "fur" but stopped when I aimed the iPad at her!
26.03.2016 22:06 | Flag
Claire says:
Easter up at her grandparent's house!
24.03.2016 00:09 | Flag
Claire says:
23.03.2016 23:14 | Flag
Claire says:
Claire...YOU may think that blowing a loud "raspberry" ever time Pops bends over to pick up your food bowl is hilarious, but I can assure you that I DO NOT!
18.03.2016 23:27 | Flag
Claire says:
Poor Sarah, hope you're better soon little one.
18.03.2016 12:28 | Flag
Claire says:
Once again Claire's St. Patrick's day celebrating was thwarted by a lack of opposable thumbs!
12.03.2016 15:12 | Flag
Claire says:
I wish I could capture her on video when she's doing a back flip as she tries to snatch them out of the air!
12.03.2016 01:07 | Flag
Claire says:
Claire doesn't usually scratch the furniture, but the shape, and material of the fronts of this couch's arms mimic a scratching post so closely that it's proven irresistible to her! I think most cats will leave your stuff alone if you provide them with an option.
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