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11.03.2016 05:50 | Flag
Claire says:
She loves the sisal...if you go several pictures back you can see what she did to one of her old scratching posts!
09.03.2016 22:54 | Flag
Claire says:
Big day for Claire...her ratty old living room scratchers have been replaced with 2 brand new posts, and a pyramid!!!
09.03.2016 00:34 | Flag
Claire says:
How are the others doing without their buddy being around?
03.03.2016 20:35 | Flag
Claire says:
Yes, the extra pink nose is "collateral damage" when I gussy up Claire's rusty brown fur to look vibrant orange with digital subterfuge.
01.03.2016 23:14 | Flag
Claire says:
That's actually a '90s era Tascam cassette portastudio Mark. I had Crickett more recently...from early 2007 to early 2009, until she had to be put down due to developing severe seizures. After that heartbreaking vet visit I swore to never get another cat EVER, but saw Claire on display at a Petsmart a week later, and she looked so lost I figured I needed to help her out.
01.03.2016 22:01 | Flag
Claire says:
My Cricket is waiting for Ivan at the Rainbow Bridge, so the two of them can be buddies!
01.03.2016 08:39 | Flag
Claire says:
R.I.P. little Ivan. Hope that with the help of the rest of the gang, that things will start to get easier soon Mark.
19.02.2016 09:09 | Flag
Claire says:
F# Demolished plus 5!
17.02.2016 09:56 | Flag
Claire says:
Yes, Claire was in very bad shape leading up to, and during Christmas, but has had a miraculous turn around. Fingers crossed that it lasts!
12.02.2016 22:53 | Flag
Claire says:
It looks to me like they're watching Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds" and just one of them has seen it before!
12.02.2016 06:23 | Flag
Claire says:
Claire's upset that she wasn't invited over for movie night!
10.02.2016 20:33 | Flag
Claire says:
Claire's pancreas levels from 2 months ago, and today. A deadly 26.9 all the way back down to a normal reading of 1.4!!!
09.02.2016 20:52 | Flag
Claire says:
Claire's new blood work results came in. I don't know exactly what it is a measurement of, but the pancreas number should in the 0 to 3.5 range, with anything over 5.3 indicating pancreatitis. When Claire was deathly ill a couple of months ago her number was 26.9!!! The results for the blood that was drawn last Saturday show that she has dropped right back down from 26.9 to under 3!
08.02.2016 05:09 | Flag
Claire says:
Woken up by what sounded like a pier 6 brawl in another room, it turns out it was crazy Claire have a wrestling match with a crinkle ball in the bathtub!
06.02.2016 13:05 | Flag
Claire says:
OMG...The grief I took on Facebook because of this picture.
05.02.2016 11:27 | Flag
Claire says:
Pushing "If I fits I sits" to the limits!
04.02.2016 00:55 | Flag
Claire says:
Great...another box I can't throw out now...LOL! This time it's the one from the new keyboard for my PC.
31.01.2016 23:01 | Flag
Claire says:
She's still doing pretty well compared to how she was a couple of months ago.
31.01.2016 15:50 | Flag
Claire says:
LOL...she's had it! Work permitting, I try to feed her every 6 hours, for 4 meals a day, on the 10s and on the 4s.
31.01.2016 14:23 | Flag
Claire says:
Hi Sarah!
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