Claire says:
After a bad couple of weeks, she has bounced right back for the last two weeks. She went from moping and hiding all day to jumping about 3/4 the way to the ceiling to try to catch the laser dot a day ago. Fingers crossed that her comeback will last a while.
Claire says:
Actually this TV ended my 30 year boycott of Sony products after getting about 5 of their components in a row during the 1980s that were "lemons"! And if this TV goes south on me prematurely, I'll wait another 30 years till I'm 90 to buy another...LOL!
Claire says:
I am beginning to suspect that Claire has had this pancreas problem for years, and that without the more extensive testing of late, it was just always assumed to be a hairball problem whenever she would have a flare-up. The symptoms are exactly the was just the longer duration of her cycling through good, and bad days this time around that finally led to the real problem being uncovered. Can't say this with 100% certainty, but I'm pretty sure this is the case.