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18.12.2015 23:02 | Flag
Claire says:
Showing off her 5 day shadow!
16.12.2015 12:28 | Flag
Claire says:
Claire under the influence! She didn't really seem in great discomfort, but I'm going into work for the first time in a while, and have to leave her on own for at least 8 hours, so she just got a pre-emptive dose of her Buprenorphine just in case pain crops up while I'm gone.
15.12.2015 10:41 | Flag
Claire says:
Guess i should have expected her ultrasound "crew cut", but it took me by surprise when I was brushing her, and got me all upset.
14.12.2015 23:36 | Flag
Claire says: Here's a link to a vet discussing the disease
14.12.2015 20:25 | Flag
Claire says:
Well the verdict is in, Claire has pancreatitis. The exam, and ultrasound backed up what the blood tests hinted at. Her pancreas is enlarged, and not the smooth shape that a healthy pancreas should be. Her "bad" days are attributed to flare ups of the organ. The specialist says these are milder, non-necrotic bouts of the disease. Harder to treat in cats than dogs, the only thing to be done now is to switch her to a low fat diet, which may, or may not eventually lessen the frequency of the attacks, and keep a supply of the narcotic pain killer on hand to help her during a flare up. On the good side, they saw zero evidence of any mass in the pancreas to indicate cancer is the culprit. I was warned of the possibility of a very serious case of necrotizing pancreatitis developing that would require hospitalization. Fingers crossed this doesn't happen, because that would be the end of the line for my little buddy. I don't have thousands of dollars to pay for that kind of treatment, and even if I did, it seems her quality of life would be miserable, and I won't put her through that
13.12.2015 19:16 | Flag
Claire says:
We're not sure, but she isn't doing too well at the moment. She is on a rollercoaster ride where she will have 3-5 good days where she seems perfect, then she has 24-36 hours of seeming like she is at death's door...won't eat, in obvious pain, and the weird thing is that she snaps out of it, and is back to her regular self again. She has health insurance so the baffled vets have referred her to an internal medicine specialist, who will examine her, and probably do an ultra sound. I hope it's something obvious that the $2000 dollars per condition that her insurance covers, because I am unable to pay thousands of my own money on her, and would have to make that tough decision, if it seems she has no quality of life. She is getting some relief at the moment because i have narcotics from the vet to deal with her pain on the bad days.
11.12.2015 15:27 | Flag
Claire says:
Used to be a profession, when I was a young fella. Been playing since 1968, Bought the second from left black one in '72 when I was 17, and it saw a lot of action in the bars, and pubs in the 1970s.
09.12.2015 19:59 | Flag
Claire says:
08.12.2015 16:53 | Flag
Claire says:
LOL, Dad is just drinkng Perrier.
25.11.2015 12:21 | Flag
Claire says:
Cue the sitar!
24.11.2015 23:05 | Flag
Claire says:
Hi JG!!!
24.11.2015 10:54 | Flag
Claire says:
Yep, she was getting busy, working on her next hairball!
19.11.2015 23:36 | Flag
Claire says:
"The vet just called about your lab work Claire". "And...?" PROGNOSIS NEGATIVE"!!! (I still want to talk to Claire's actual vet when she's back to work next week, because there were a couple of buts, and ifs that I didn't quite understand when talking to the other vet that called with the results, but looking good so far)!
15.11.2015 11:32 | Flag
Claire says:
What's on TV tonight? IT'S MORITZ!
14.11.2015 07:16 | Flag
Claire says:
I know...I used to have a half Irish Setter that was the same way. Loved being out in the rain, and if he could find something stinky to roll around in when he was out there...BONUS!
14.11.2015 00:36 | Flag
Claire says:
Yes, the vet said she did very well, and just laid back and let them do what they had to do, because of this they were able to drain off enough material for two good slides. One that was examined at the vet's office, and the second one that they sent off to the lab.
13.11.2015 19:13 | Flag
Claire says:
Claire relaxing at home after her morning with the vet. The lump was drained, and there were 3 or 4 squamous cells visible under the microscope. The vet said this likely means nothing, but is erring on the side of caution, and sending a sample out to the lab for a closer look. Could be a week for results to come back. So not out of the woods quite yet.
11.11.2015 23:11 | Flag
Claire says:
Claire saw the vet who says based on the way the lump feels she very much doubts that it is anything serious. She thinks it feels more like a pocket of fluid than a solid mass. She's thinking maybe a cyst, or a broken blood vessel. I'm dropping her off Friday for half a day so they can use a needle to drain it, and check out the results under the microscope
11.11.2015 09:33 | Flag
Claire says:
Ambercat, you stubborn little mule! The only thing I ever gave Claire a verbal scolding in an angry raised voice about was getting up on kitchen surfaces. Once in a blue moon she'll have a lapse, but for the most part she got the message. But she never turned on burners like Pyrocat! That's downright diabolical...LOL!
10.11.2015 12:23 | Flag
Claire says:
Claire needs good thoughts at the moment...found a big lump in one of her ear flaps. She's going into the vets tomorrow to get it checked out.
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