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09.11.2015 18:55 | Flag
Claire says:
Poor puppydog
09.11.2015 14:16 | Flag
Claire says:
Fit as a fiddle!
09.11.2015 14:15 | Flag
Claire says:
Hi Moritz!
08.11.2015 05:44 | Flag
Claire says:
To say nothing of ne'er-do-wells, and nogoodniks!
02.11.2015 15:30 | Flag
Claire says:
LOL...reminds me of when you were a kid, and at some of your friends houses, the mother would have all the living room furniture covered in thick plastic, and there would be plastic runners on the carpet that you weren't allowed to step off of!
02.11.2015 14:39 | Flag
Claire says:
When she's completely better I want to reintroduce kibble, but maybe just one serving every 2 or 3 days rather than twice a day...only because she gets the Hill's TD for dental health, and the vet says her teeth and gums are in very good shape for a cat that's almost 8...
02.11.2015 11:52 | Flag
Claire says:
Yep, it's Lactulose syrup that I'm mixing in with her wet food.
01.11.2015 22:42 | Flag
Claire says:
She's getting a lot more water into her now. She went from 1 canned meal, and 2 kibble meals a day to 3 canned meals a day, and I stir in extra water so the food is a soupy consistency. The litter box tells me this is working nicely!
01.11.2015 17:45 | Flag
Claire says:
Claire got all clogged up, and dehydrated. She went in and got I.V. fluids, and is now on a all canned diet, with a lubricating laxative and is coming around. I haven't been posting here much because my PC is screwed up, and my iPad doesn't upload very well to this site, so I usually just post to this site's Facebook fan page instead (works much better when using the iPad).
01.11.2015 13:32 | Flag
Claire says:
Claire starting to feel better after a bit of a rough patch.
18.10.2015 19:03 | Flag
Claire says:
Hello boys!
02.08.2015 05:09 | Flag
Claire says:
Hi Wally!
01.08.2015 21:08 | Flag
Claire says:
I didn't think so...
01.08.2015 15:41 | Flag
Claire says:
Storm is one cool cucumber! It has been a stinking hot, humid week here in Ajax this week, thankfully this apartment building has central air included in the rent (no extra charges if it is on full blast, all the time), so Claire hasn't experienced excessive heat in 7 1/2 years!
01.08.2015 09:43 | Flag
Claire says:
01.08.2015 09:42 | Flag
Claire says:
01.08.2015 09:42 | Flag
Claire says:
01.08.2015 09:41 | Flag
Claire says:
You're getting sleepy...
21.07.2015 03:52 | Flag
Claire says:
Are you building a kitty trampoline Mikesch?
20.07.2015 21:33 | Flag
Claire says:
She moved before I could get a really dramatic shot. There's still another flight of stairs down from that "perch" she's roosting on, but she took off before I could get to the bottom and click another snap!
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