Claire says:
I've been very lucky with her as far as destruction goes...she has all her claws, and pretty much sticks to all the scratching posts and pads around the apartment. I was more worried about the grill cloth on all my vintage guitar amps, but she hasn't gone for them either. Her only weakness is that sheer fabric on the bottom of bed box springs...she's El Destructo when she gets under the bed!
Claire says:
Haven't ruled it out, but I would want to wait till I have 2 or 3 weeks off to be around to supervise the "getting to know you" period. Until then Claire really does do well on her own as long as I lavish the attention on her.
Claire says:
This is actually the matching hand towel to the bath towel on top of the laundry. I never remove this from the bed and wash it, because the last time I did it set back the progress in getting her to use the bed by a couple of months.