Claire says:
Maybe that's a big advantage to have a bunch of them. One of the reasons I'm mulling over getting Claire a companion is so she has company during the day, but another is so it will be a bit easier to take when I lose one.
Claire says:
Hey Mark, sorry to hear the sad news about your little buddy RC. I guess it's better for the cats when it is sudden like that, but sure is a punch in the gut for their people. So here's hoping for happier days ahead, and farewell to the the kitty who had the best name ever on this site!
Claire says:
Yes, but she didn't make a clean getaway. My mom chased her and grabbed the piece of raw bacon and they had a tug of war until the bacon broke and badcat quickly ate up the half she still had in her mouth!
Claire says:
More hairball woes for Claire this morning...accompanied with much up chucking before I went to work, and more during the day when I was at work, but it looks like she was able to yak up the trouble maker, and ate her dinner right up...just waiting to see what happens next if anything.
Claire says:
The first pics of Tango without Bella are up on the Facebook site. He looks very forlorn. Hopefully he'll perk up after he gets his new friend at the end of the month.
Claire says:
This is the latest news from Bella's family...We contacted Bella's breeder here in FL to tell him what happened. He was as shocked as we are about it. He has never seen this happen before. He has a 3 week old female kitten just like Bella he is keeping for us. We will be able to get her just before we leave for home at the end of April. In about 2 weeks we will take a drive to see her. I'll keep you posted. (BTW....all of your kind expressions are so touching, I still cry when I read them.)
Claire says:
I find it's good to keep up with both this site, and the FB site. I find this site is more about the cats, and the FB site is more about the people.