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05.08.2014 23:35 | Flag
Claire says:
Ivan is wearing his bumless chaps as be gets ready for his audition to be a Chippendale's dancer! Good luck with the coming test results little feller!
05.08.2014 10:03 | Flag
Claire says:
Claire, and I sending out positive thoughts for a negative result!
05.08.2014 08:50 | Flag
Claire says:
Bad girl!
03.08.2014 21:38 | Flag
Claire says:
The problem is the camera man...I need to hold the iPad differently because she's actually staring me in the eyes here, but I guess the lens is at the other end of the device.
03.08.2014 12:38 | Flag
Claire says:
Hey, I'd fit right in over there says Claire!
03.08.2014 11:46 | Flag
Claire says:
Lol, if Claire was there she'd say..."THIS is why we can't have nice things"!
01.08.2014 00:32 | Flag
Claire says:
31.07.2014 00:14 | Flag
Claire says:
Nya nya nya nya nya!
30.07.2014 00:05 | Flag
Claire says:
Storm and Claire would get along just fine...LOL!
27.07.2014 12:00 | Flag
Claire says:
There ya go Claire, an extra cushiony basket today because of all the towels Pops had to wash after mopping up the kitchen flood!
26.07.2014 21:23 | Flag
Claire says:
From the night table, to the hanging clothes, then a climb up to the top shelf!
22.07.2014 22:16 | Flag
Claire says:
Yes 111, her tail, like her is pretty tiny. This is one of those shots where seeing her beside an everyday object gives a bit of perspective on her actual size. Like that one a couple of months back on the floor beside my work boots.
22.07.2014 06:48 | Flag
Claire says:
She got tangled up in one of the handles trying to come out...When I looked up all I saw was a bag flying around the room like a Tasmanian devil!!!
21.07.2014 08:07 | Flag
Claire says:
Wake up, and let's get busy changing the color of this sofa!
20.07.2014 14:32 | Flag
Claire says:
Well she has one identical to it anyways...
20.07.2014 13:40 | Flag
Claire says:
Getting hair all over everything. Oh well, she enjoys the warm laundry so much I wouldn't have the heart not to let her lie on it!
11.07.2014 20:10 | Flag
Claire says:
Hi Kitty!
08.06.2014 16:26 | Flag
Claire says:
Yes, now everyone must respect her authoritah!!!
04.06.2014 23:21 | Flag
Claire says:
01.06.2014 18:48 | Flag
Claire says:
Laundry day was Saturday this week...was too busy cleaning up for company to take pics.
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