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By: tele_mark 08.07.2018 00:58 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Mikesch Tags:
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tele_mark 13.07.2018 00:54 | Flag
He seems to seek out the shade more than the other two, but enjoys basking in the crazy heat and humidity just as much.
MickeysMom 12.07.2018 19:56 | Flag
Does the heat get to Mikesch more because of his black fur? Bubba really stays out of the sun with his black fur and wants back inside as soon as he gets too warm. Doodle is mostly white and she would stay out all day if we let her.
tele_mark 08.07.2018 12:42 | Flag
The older bunch did that too. The AC would be going, and they'd be sprawled out in the screen porch.
doerscheln 08.07.2018 06:31 | Flag
I don‘t know how many times I have asked my cats ...Why do you go out when it is so hot ? Of course they didn‘t answer. 😉
tele_mark 08.07.2018 05:28 | Flag
Mikesch's routine in the heat wave -- bake outside for 3 hours, then come inside and sprawl on the hardwood floor cooled by the mini-split.
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