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By: tele_mark 07.07.2018 19:17 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Skittles Tags:
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tele_mark 08.07.2018 12:44 | Flag
Can't wait!
doerscheln 08.07.2018 07:07 | Flag
Skittles is a real beauty! I unterstand that you will never forget her birthday. My mother passed this march, I am sure the kittens will make me smile again.....when they are here....Talked to the farmer’s wife two days ago and she said that she will try to get the kittens down from the hayloft, didn’t hear from her yet. When I had known before that is so difficult to get a cat from a farm ....but now I have waited so long, it doesn’t matter it‘s a few days more or less and if this doesn’t work I will visit the next animal shelter and get three kittens no matter how they look like, thatˋs the plan!
tele_mark 08.07.2018 04:13 | Flag
Skittles is very special, and one of the most outstanding reasons is that she was born on the exact day 1 year ago that our father passed away at 89 years old. And she was the runt in a litter of runts that wasn't expected to live.
tele_mark 07.07.2018 19:18 | Flag
Skittles is exactly one year old yesterday! Very hard to get a picture, she's in constant motion! And, she's got Bengal in her -- spots and webbed feet!
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