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By: tele_mark 11.05.2018 20:01 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Storm Tags:
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Eli 16.05.2018 06:20 | Flag
I'm so glad that Storm is ok and back home!
Napicat 12.05.2018 20:27 | Flag
They really do know where their security is. Pax is and Napi was completely submissive as soon as the car door is closed and till home again. Except Napi would leave a "gift" on the floor mat on the way home.
iluvcats 12.05.2018 19:01 | Flag
Bless him - he was soooooooo happy to be home with you!!!!!!!!!!!
tele_mark 12.05.2018 17:21 | Flag
He fine, but it affected him. When I got home with him, I placed the carrier on the ground to open the entry door. He then started going nuts and trying to pry his way out. I thought he was freaked at being outside on the driveway, so I hurried and got him into the basement, but he was still prying at the door. When I let him out, he immediately started doing the cat version of kissing the ground, and jumped up on me hand clung to me. The rest of the night he was very clingy, wanting to be pet and held almost constantly!
iluvcats 12.05.2018 16:37 | Flag
Glad they found no serious heart issue! Poor Storm -- is he calmed down yet??
tele_mark 12.05.2018 05:38 | Flag
Edited -- out of chronology -- Vet called, Cardiology results show nothing wrong. The murmur is the result of being so scared at the vets. "IRONY IS IRONIC" - This was him when I dropped him off this morning. I had them agree to apply "feral cat rules" to him. So he went into the holding pen like this, and was kept covered at all times. I stayed with him until I couldn't any longer. Probably should've waited the 4 hours or so until they knocked him out, but he wasn't reacting to me while under the blanket when I left. Hard to believe they are both still very feral until they are in situation like this.
tele_mark 12.05.2018 04:08 | Flag
Yes, 5 years give or take a few weeks.
doerscheln 12.05.2018 04:06 | Flag
How old are Storm and Mikesch now ? 5 years?
doerscheln 12.05.2018 03:44 | Flag
Poor little Storm and Mikesch ! Doesn't sound like they will ever get used to the vet visits. But I am glad that Storm is okay and back home. XO
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