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By: tele_mark 11.05.2018 11:46 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Storm Tags:
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tele_mark 11.05.2018 19:06 | Flag
Picking him up in 1.5 hours. He didn't need an extraction, just a cleaning. Still have to find out about the murmur but the vet didn't sound too concerned.
iluvcats 11.05.2018 18:44 | Flag
Hope Storm will recover quickly! Hugs
tele_mark 11.05.2018 18:08 | Flag
All done -- just waiting for him to wake up so I can get him.
tele_mark 11.05.2018 17:02 | Flag
Not yet. Hopefully in a few hours. He's also got a heart murmur they found during his wellness a few weeks ago they're going to look at while he's under.
doerscheln 11.05.2018 16:15 | Flag
Is Storm okay and back home?
tele_mark 11.05.2018 11:47 | Flag
Storm's going to the vet in a few minutes for his first dental work. He has a tooth that's "resorbing", and probably has to be removed.
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