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By: doerscheln 02.02.2017 13:19 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Moritz Tags:
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Eli 03.02.2017 07:18 | Flag
Looking good my sweet Moritz, enjoy Grandma's bed! :))
doerscheln 03.02.2017 05:05 | Flag
Yes, let's hope that the reason for Moritz's loss of weight is his age and nothing else. I love my sweet brave boy and spoil him 24 hours every day.
tele_mark 02.02.2017 18:53 | Flag
My sister's cat turned into a skeleton at 15 years old and lived to be almost 21. Floppy is slowly dropping too despite a healthy appetite.
doerscheln 02.02.2017 16:24 | Flag
That is what I hope for. I knew some old cats, too that became very skinny but they were fine.
MickeysMom 02.02.2017 14:55 | Flag
My Mickey is the same...she likes to eat often but doesn't gain any weight. She was so chubby at one time and now weighs half of her heaviest weight. Our older kitties are a blessing, it is our duty to give them all the comfort we can in these twilight years! Yeah Moritz...snuggle in and enjoy!
doerscheln 02.02.2017 13:32 | Flag
Moritz is doing well, always eating with a good appetite but although he is eating for two he loses weight, 100g every 2-3 months. Blood test results are okay so I'm afraid the black spot in his pancreas the vet could see in the last ultrasonic testing is something malignant.
doerscheln 02.02.2017 13:23 | Flag
Moritz found my Mum's bedroom door open and of course he had to explore the bed at once.
tele_mark 02.02.2017 13:23 | Flag
How are you dong these days Moritz? Looking very healthy.
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