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By: tele_mark 01.02.2017 07:16 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Ambercat Williwaw Jackson Tags:
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doerscheln 03.02.2017 04:42 | Flag
Great news, I am very glad that Ambercat is fine. And about the x-ray, I had done that, too. Better be safe than sorry!
tele_mark 03.02.2017 01:12 | Flag
He's fine. Catheter is out, but he has to wear the cone until Monday so his stiches can heal. I'm also having an x-ray done to make sure the leak was fixed. My idea -- the vets weren't too concerned.
Eli 02.02.2017 07:09 | Flag
Brave little fellow! Hope the vet visit brings good news!
iluvcats 01.02.2017 19:37 | Flag
What a little trooper Ambercat is!!!!!!! Awesome!
pmgr111 01.02.2017 16:47 | Flag
I hope he is cured too Mark. Let us know how the vet visit goes.
doerscheln 01.02.2017 12:56 | Flag
I keep my fingers crossed for Ambercat that his urethra is cured.
tele_mark 01.02.2017 08:18 | Flag
Vet appointment on Thursday morning. Hopefully the catheter and stitches go away. The cone doesn't seem to bother him at all. In fact, I think he likes it. Because it makes things more of a challenge, which he likes.
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