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By: suelin57 02.11.2015 07:37 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Maggie Tags:
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tele_mark 03.11.2015 01:41 | Flag
Mom is RIGHT there. I'm sure she didn't let the kitten stay there, it's just a cute picture!
pmgr111 02.11.2015 16:49 | Flag
As long as shes on top of it it's ok. It should be zipped closed to ensure she doesn't try to climb inside. The vinyl on these things is pretty stiff so it wouldn't hurt her unless she got inside of it.
iluvcats 02.11.2015 16:23 | Flag
This is very, very dangerous! But of course I'm thinking of Maggie's safety .... I adore her.
Claire 02.11.2015 15:30 | Flag
LOL...reminds me of when you were a kid, and at some of your friends houses, the mother would have all the living room furniture covered in thick plastic, and there would be plastic runners on the carpet that you weren't allowed to step off of!
scrappy 02.11.2015 14:11 | Flag
Lol! Of course little Maggie liked the thing it came in rather than the "thing"! So cute!
suelin57 02.11.2015 07:38 | Flag
I got a new soft, fluffy cover for my recliner. Guess what Maggie liked.
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