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By: Claire 01.11.2015 13:30 « prev | next »
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Eli 03.11.2015 08:13 | Flag
So glad to hear little Claire is doing better!!
Claire 02.11.2015 14:39 | Flag
When she's completely better I want to reintroduce kibble, but maybe just one serving every 2 or 3 days rather than twice a day...only because she gets the Hill's TD for dental health, and the vet says her teeth and gums are in very good shape for a cat that's almost 8...
pmgr111 02.11.2015 13:53 | Flag
Yeah dad, don't you know you've made me a gourmet cat rather than that old dry kibble.
Claire 02.11.2015 11:52 | Flag
Yep, it's Lactulose syrup that I'm mixing in with her wet food.
doerscheln 02.11.2015 11:09 | Flag
Hope you feel very well soon again sweet Claire ! Psyllium and lactulose could be a good help, too.
scrappy 01.11.2015 23:26 | Flag
Pops takes such good care of his Clairette! She's looking so pretty today!
Claire 01.11.2015 22:42 | Flag
She's getting a lot more water into her now. She went from 1 canned meal, and 2 kibble meals a day to 3 canned meals a day, and I stir in extra water so the food is a soupy consistency. The litter box tells me this is working nicely!
eelias 01.11.2015 19:25 | Flag
We missed you Claire-drink your water and take care dear girl!
Claire 01.11.2015 17:45 | Flag
Claire got all clogged up, and dehydrated. She went in and got I.V. fluids, and is now on a all canned diet, with a lubricating laxative and is coming around. I haven't been posting here much because my PC is screwed up, and my iPad doesn't upload very well to this site, so I usually just post to this site's Facebook fan page instead (works much better when using the iPad).
iluvcats 01.11.2015 17:34 | Flag
I knew your DaddyO would get you all fixed up dear Clairebelle! xoxox
tele_mark 01.11.2015 16:28 | Flag
I've been wondering where you were Claire. Hope everything is OK.
Claire 01.11.2015 13:32 | Flag
Claire starting to feel better after a bit of a rough patch.
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