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By: tele_mark 25.10.2015 23:05 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Ambercat Williwaw Jackson Tags:
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trhays57 27.10.2015 15:25 | Flag
Thanks finally got to watch! Go, Ambercat, go!
pmgr111 26.10.2015 15:49 | Flag
Ok got both of them. Yes very cat like in the one under the cot and funny to hear him growl on the other mouse one. Great
tele_mark 26.10.2015 15:38 | Flag
Try it now, I just made the videos public.
trhays57 26.10.2015 14:02 | Flag
Mark - What is your YouTube name? I can't click and get any of the videos - YouTube keeps taking me to Cronut's Second Birthday . . . on both videos!
doerscheln 26.10.2015 10:52 | Flag
What a great toy you have now Ambercat. Just wait when the mice and birds he brings are still alive and run and fly in your house ;) (My Willi was growling just like that when he had a mouse.)
tele_mark 26.10.2015 05:12 | Flag
pmgr111 26.10.2015 04:44 | Flag
It comes up as a "private" video, can't watch it.
tele_mark 25.10.2015 23:09 | Flag
A video -- Ambercat with the former mouse, growling:
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