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Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Tags: group
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scrappy 31.12.2013 22:11 | Flag
Love you boys; Floppy, Robocat and Ivan! Happy New Year to you all and to the kittens!
doerscheln 31.12.2013 16:59 | Flag
The best "boy group" I have ever seen ! ;)
gillybean 31.12.2013 08:44 | Flag
Gorgeous boys! What a splendid group.
iluvcats 30.12.2013 23:36 | Flag
The loves of your life .... xoxox
tele_mark 30.12.2013 23:35 | Flag
Robocat doing his awkward knead dance. He learned kneading from his beloved mother Daisy, but she's been gone 4 years now, and he's developed his own strange version now, but it's still very endearing.
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