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Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Robocat Storm Tags: group
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iluvcats 26.12.2013 23:36 | Flag
So glad the whole fam damily is getting on so well! A blessing you are dear Mark!
tele_mark 25.12.2013 12:22 | Flag
As soon as you gave him his name, he became a different cat!
doerscheln 25.12.2013 12:05 | Flag
All your boys are most charming !!! Glad to hear that Mikesch is doing better and better. :)
gillybean 25.12.2013 09:28 | Flag
Good news!
pmgr111 25.12.2013 06:48 | Flag
Great to hear, thanks.
suelin57 25.12.2013 05:53 | Flag
Storm is certainly a snugglebug! Glad to hear Mikesch is coming along so well.
tele_mark 25.12.2013 03:59 | Flag
He's coming along. Right now he's in the living room. We had a big play session, he'll now let me get close enough to drag a string in front of him, and he chases it, but if I move closer than 3 feet he'll run away. But then he'll stop a few feet away and turn and sit and look at me. Which is way better than a week ago, when if I got closer than 10 feet he'd run under the couch. He hasn't panicked and run under the couch in a couple days. He's moving along well for the most feral cat I've ever seen in 15 years of rescues.
pmgr111 25.12.2013 03:41 | Flag
How's Mikesch doing?
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