Claire says:
So sad to hear about your little Willy. I know from experience how hard a thing this can be, and hope you will start to feel better again soon. When I lost my last cat I said I'd never get another, but less than a month later I saw Claire at the shelter and had to get her. Maybe not the right move for everyone, but it helped me get over my Cricket.
Claire says:
Yep, Claire is not camera shy at all. Or shy in general for that matter. She never heads for the hills when people visit...even strangers. She checks them out first, then might disappear if she's bored by them LOL!
Claire says:
The suspect shortly after the kibble container was knocked to the ground... if that expression doesn't say guilty, I don't know what does!
Claire says:
I'm on it...Chef Dave is cooking up some pasta sauce later this afternoon, and I like the kitchen to be pristine before I start slicing the first ingredient!