Claire says:
Well, when Claire pulled that move a week after I got her home with a glass of red wine off of the night stand in the bedroom onto the off white broadloom as I was watching TV in bed, the first thing that ran through my mind was "why you little A$$****" LOL!
Claire says:
Scrappy's right...I had just poofed up the pillows for some quality couch potato time in front of the big screen, and when I came back from fixing a refreshing beverage in the kitchen she had declared squatter's rights!
Claire says:
Yep Claire really loves her liquor store bags. Whenever I pick up a box of wine I always ask them to put it in a bag just so stinky here always has a fresh, crisp bed!
Claire says:
I'm not going to go off on a rant here, but I just think that cats were made to have claws, and if you think they should be chopped off, then a cat really isn't the right pet for you.