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01.02.2014 17:49 | Flag
Claire says:
Feeling much better today!
31.01.2014 12:42 | Flag
Claire says:
30.01.2014 11:55 | Flag
Claire says:
She's well enough again to be more concerned about ceiling pixies than her clogged up digestive tract!
29.01.2014 15:48 | Flag
Claire says:
she eventually coughed it up, but it took 2 or 3 days...I've stepped up the brushing from 4-5 times a week to twice a day, and she's getting that slippery goop to keep her innards lubed up.
28.01.2014 15:58 | Flag
Claire says:
Clogged up with a big old hairball.
27.01.2014 05:30 | Flag
Claire says:
She got blocked up with a hairball.
25.01.2014 12:07 | Flag
Claire says:
On the mend, but still not 100%.
22.01.2014 17:59 | Flag
Claire says:
Taking her medicine...
22.01.2014 12:05 | Flag
Claire says:
She's still yoyoing back and forth between feeling good, and not so good so she's going into the vets this morning.
18.01.2014 10:15 | Flag
Claire says:
15.01.2014 19:23 | Flag
Claire says:
The birthday girl taking it easy.
15.01.2014 18:21 | Flag
Claire says:
Did she scratch you with her claws? LOL!
14.01.2014 23:37 | Flag
Claire says:
Scientists have successfully crossed a cat with a marshmallow!
14.01.2014 22:11 | Flag
Claire says:
LOL, and the performance of somebody on her executive committee has obviously been less than stellar, and they're about to get an earful from the looks of it!
11.01.2014 18:46 | Flag
Claire says:
It sure looks that way, but what's really happening is that she just had some canned food, and is trying to unlodge some from the roof of her mouth with her tongue.
09.01.2014 05:43 | Flag
Claire says:
Get in ma belly!
04.01.2014 14:16 | Flag
Claire says:
The spectator is quite Claire-like!
03.01.2014 22:02 | Flag
Claire says:
They were taken about one second apart. Took this one after I stood up.
03.01.2014 21:09 | Flag
Claire says:
What's a cat gotta do to get a massage around here anyway?!!!
02.01.2014 22:02 | Flag
Claire says:
That was it!
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