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02.01.2014 22:01 | Flag
Claire says:
Looking good little one!
01.01.2014 20:54 | Flag
Claire says:
Hey, THAT'S why all the foam on top was gone when I came back from the kitchen!
01.01.2014 20:53 | Flag
Claire says:
01.01.2014 13:21 | Flag
Claire says:
LOL...No, she was just settling into serious couch potato mode at the beginning of the evening. We both passed out well before midnight!
27.12.2013 12:58 | Flag
Claire says:
26.12.2013 12:15 | Flag
Claire says:
She seems to be getting back to normal this morning...phewww!
25.12.2013 22:35 | Flag
Claire says:
Poor Claire has a Christmas cold. Started sneezing earlier, and now has a wet runny nose.
25.12.2013 16:22 | Flag
Claire says:
Yep, she's out in the hallway passed out on a moving dolly.
25.12.2013 14:22 | Flag
Claire says:
Oh really? I just had the Supro, and the Twin Reverb gone over completely by a tech in Toronto that specializes in the old gear. The Silvertone on the bottom left is from 1961 and still has the original tubes and works fine!
25.12.2013 13:58 | Flag
Claire says:
Claire the subtle photo-bomber!
25.12.2013 01:27 | Flag
Claire says:
This kitty really does have a face like a lion!
21.12.2013 18:10 | Flag
Claire says:
That darn Pea!
20.12.2013 00:18 | Flag
Claire says:
Careful where you parkyarkarkus!!!
18.12.2013 20:17 | Flag
Claire says:
Claire "enjoying" her early Christmas present of a plush new bed!
17.12.2013 05:31 | Flag
Claire says:
16.12.2013 22:16 | Flag
Claire says:
They're baaaack!
14.12.2013 09:40 | Flag
Claire says:
She only chooses to relax in her carrier once she's back home...just try getting her in it before you take her out somewhere!
14.12.2013 08:18 | Flag
Claire says:
Nope...just getting back home from the groomer's (clip clip clip)
11.12.2013 05:58 | Flag
Claire says:
05.11.2013 16:02 | Flag
Claire says:
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