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Cat: Office Cats
By: lindazena 25.04.2011 13:13 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Office Cats Ah Lian Tags:
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Eli 04.05.2011 06:59 | Flag
Linda, I'm so sad to read these terrible news. Hugs and tears....
iluvcats 25.04.2011 16:55 | Flag
Oh Linda ... I am so very, very sorry to read that you have lost your precious little Ah Lian ... She is safe now Linda and romping with chasing butterflies with your other babies - Big Da Mao and Ann Ann and ... and our little furries at the Rainbow Bridge ... tears my dear friend ... hugs ... rest well sweet Ah Lian
gillybean 25.04.2011 16:41 | Flag
Tears and prayers for you Linda, and for dearest Ah Lian.
micino 25.04.2011 15:51 | Flag
I don't know what happened and why my comment appears so many times, sorry Linda
micino 25.04.2011 15:50 | Flag
Oh no Linda, I'm so sorry..... Poor baby, RIP. Tears..... A bug hug to you
micino 25.04.2011 15:50 | Flag
Oh no Linda, I'm so sorry..... Poor baby, RIP. Tears..... A bug hug to you
micino 25.04.2011 15:50 | Flag
Oh no Linda, I'm so sorry..... Poor baby, RIP. Tears..... A bug hug to you
micino 25.04.2011 15:50 | Flag
Oh no Linda, I'm so sorry..... Poor baby, RIP. Tears..... A bug hug to you
micino 25.04.2011 15:50 | Flag
Oh no Linda, I'm so sorry..... Poor baby, RIP. Tears..... A bug hug to you
micino 25.04.2011 15:50 | Flag
Oh no Linda, I'm so sorry..... Poor baby, RIP. Tears..... A bug hug to you
lindazena 25.04.2011 13:20 | Flag
01.06.2008 to 25.04.2011 (R.I.P.) You always in my mind... All the staffs miss you and tears...
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Cat's Pictures
About this cat
My office boy (Lobert) and office girl (Ah Lian).
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