Eli, I don't want to disappoint you, but I am _still_learning_ how to behave in a house owned by the kitties - you know, I am only a human, not a cat, so I am so slow to progress :))) Oh, Marilyin (and Eli), yes I know I am so fortunate to have been adopted by them ;)))
Marco, I don't want to dissappoint you, but I really think it is YOU who learned how to behave in a house full of kitties and with MiaoMix as the new one too:))
Although she was not used to stay inside, MiaoMix learned really wuickly how to behave in the house: she is politely and comfortably sitting... on my desk's chair!!! :) (Yes, I know way too welL. she has all the rights to sit where she likes better - LOL)
(Northern Italy - Born: Summer 2006; Died: 2013 May 30): She was a stray, neutered cat living most of her life right out of my house with her 4 brothers