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Cat: Haïku Neko
By: moulagofre 03.03.2016 18:08 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Haïku Neko Tags: neko Haïku
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doerscheln 07.03.2016 12:38 | Flag
Hi handsome Haiku Neko.
Eli 04.03.2016 08:16 | Flag
Now that is a good profile:)))
eelias 03.03.2016 18:24 | Flag
so handsome!
moulagofre 03.03.2016 18:12 | Flag
Pretty hard to get Haïku Neko's profile, he is such a star he always looks at the camera 😄
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About this cat
Lovely european mackerel tabby , born June '07. He shares my life and fills my heart with joy since end of June '08. The lil' furry darling has enslaved me so easily ;)
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