Oh Carmen - - great news! Tina wants a playmate! What fun and drama ... keep us posted!!! So many needy babies out there would be thrilled to be in your loving home!!! XOXOX
Tina, has tenido una idea genial! Seguro que tu mami encuentra un gatito guapo para que te haga compañía! Y además, ahora es el tiempo ideal, con la de gatos abandonados que debe de haber por todas partes!
Well Tina is still young...she isn't too old yet...the younger the better. As long as you choose a male kitten (which you're thinking about already), it should be easier for her to accept him :) Two females together, WATCH OUT! lol
We introduced Simba to Amy when she was 3. They are good friends now though not all the time! It is easier to do when cats are younger but you need to match the characters.
Lovely photo.
Tina, la encontramos en el campo, agosto 2008, con tres semanas de edad. La adoptamos y tuvo una vida muy feliz pero desafortunadamente corta (08/2008 - 01/2012). R.I.P mi pequeña.