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Cat: Ivan
By: tele_mark 04.06.2015 06:50 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Ivan Tags:
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suelin57 06.06.2015 03:56 | Flag
I can hardly ever get pics of Gracie. I have many of her butt, the back of her head, or empty air. Ivan is beautiful no matter how he's posed in his pics.
tele_mark 04.06.2015 07:05 | Flag
I felt very guilty facing the fact once again that I have less pictures of Ivan over 15 years than of Daisy, Robocat, Floppy, and even approaching Mikesch and Storm, so I took a series. And it just served to remind me, once again, how hard it is to take a good picture of him. He's seriously beautiful in Real Life, but at least to me, pictures just make him look homely. So I just don't take as many. You just have to trust me -- in many ways, he's the sweetest and most beautiful and intelligent of all the original brothers!
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