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Cat: Ivan
By: tele_mark 04.08.2014 21:12 « prev | next »
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tele_mark 06.08.2014 05:57 | Flag
LOL Dave!
Claire 05.08.2014 23:35 | Flag
Ivan is wearing his bumless chaps as be gets ready for his audition to be a Chippendale's dancer! Good luck with the coming test results little feller!
suelin57 05.08.2014 18:40 | Flag
Hey, I think that's kind of an interesting pattern! Maybe he'll start a new trend! I'm sending positive vibes for good results from the test.
trhays57 05.08.2014 16:18 | Flag
Oh poor dear Ivan! Bad haircuts are just the worst! All the kitties in the Hays clan and their human are sending positive thoughts your way sweet Ivan.
Claire 05.08.2014 10:03 | Flag
Claire, and I sending out positive thoughts for a negative result!
Eli 05.08.2014 07:05 | Flag
Aww, sweetie, I do hope the results are negative! The fur will grow back in no time, so do not worry about it, we love you anyway:))
doerscheln 05.08.2014 02:23 | Flag
Oh Ivan, what have they done to you ? But it is good that your boy wanted to eat. Hope the result will be negative but I know how it is when you have to wait until you can be sure that it is nothing. XO
iluvcats 04.08.2014 22:45 | Flag
Ahhh sweet Ivan ... oh my -- they do a number on him. Prayers for a negative result on the tests. You're a great CatDaddy Mark!!! Hugs
tele_mark 04.08.2014 21:16 | Flag
Ivan 's back from the vet. Poor guy, they took so much fur off of him. I had them remove a small bump on his left side that the last vet missed when he was under for an extraction last year. They took a big margin around the one on his right side, because it's "suspicious". Now I have to wait for the lab results. He was absolutely voracious when I let him out of the carrier. Total for today, for having some of my cat removed - $1045.
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