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Cat: Floppy
By: tele_mark 06.02.2015 03:45 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Floppy Storm Tags: group
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suelin57 07.02.2015 22:17 | Flag
Storm just wasn't going to take no for an answer! He stormed right in a made a place for himself. Very aptly named!
iluvcats 07.02.2015 18:30 | Flag
The cuddle bun buns!!!! xoxo
tele_mark 06.02.2015 16:16 | Flag
There's been many fosters and rescues staying for short periods over the years, and with a few exceptions, there were always fireworks from various cats. This time, Storm was one of the group in 2 weeks, and now Mikesch is also accepted totally as well.
doerscheln 06.02.2015 09:22 | Flag
Although I have seen your boys cuddling so often I am still amazed ! Four adult tom cats and they get along sooooo well. There are so many examples where it doesn't work so well when you have more cats including my Willi and Morris. I always had to keep an eye on them.
suelin57 06.02.2015 04:28 | Flag
Lots of cuddling going on in the cold winter!
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