Ach, wie tut mir der Kasi leid, es ist so schwer, wenn ein Liebling stirbt, auch wenn es vom Nachbar war! Lieber Kasi, ich hoffe es geht dir gut im Katzenhimmel!
Carola - so very sorry to hear about Kasi. I know you considered him one of your family. I'm sure Minzi, Maxi and Schecki will also miss their pal. Take heart dear friend that little Kasi is at the Rainbow Bridge with your Brauni and Rosi and all the other kitties enjoying their days chasing beautiful butterflies ... hugs
This is a beautiful tribute. I hope you and Kasi's family find the much needed comfort to go through this sad time. Kasi will always live in your hearts.
In loving memory for Kasimir, our neighbor´s cat. He passed on Tuesday evening - reason cancer.... We have been very close to Kasi and are friends of his parents. We are so sad about this loss.
Kasimir is our neighbours cat, he´s black and big (10 years, 20 pounds). Peter, the "little black" is a visitor (2 years), spending days by our neighbours and nights by us. Pius (1 Year) had an accident, he was our neighbours one.