He sleeps like a baby in the bed.A lot of stress today.1H30 at the vet and he's been very brave.His belly is a bit shaved.Poor Bibi.If only the vet could be mistaken.He was very young.
Good night Picato friends.I'm very moved by your messages.Bisou seems to recover.He's sleeping next to me.He fell down from the cupboard on which he was sleeping.It's Lukas and Nolan who alerted me by their strange behaviour and i've seen my Poor Bibi shaking heavily.I'll tell you what the vet says.Midnight...We go to bed.Kisses to all
Bisou (means Kiss in French) has also been rescued 4 years ago. He was so little that he couldn't see yet. We found him next to a busy national road. He was used to humans so I guess he's been thrown away from a car... Nolan considers him as his Mum. Bisou is very sensitive. I had to leave 5 weeks for my job, I left a thin Bisou and when I came back he had put on a lot of weight.