Mmmmm, very nice.......Baby gets a place setting...........Do you like coffee Baby.........My Bubu used to (not much, just a taste). I see your kitty snacks are on the left, just in case. Such a cute face............December 2, 2008......10:33 p.m........(GMT-7_
Schecki, Maxi and Minzi say: an other kind of breakfast, but why not... We see milk and pancakes (I think Maxi would taste it, he likes sweets). Our humans eat cheese, honey and a little bit sausages, sometimes a boiled egg. We looooove boiled ham!
My name is Baby and I love to play fetch and be fed lots of treats. I only want to drink my water on tap which is a pain for my mistress but she is well trained.
Just remember fellow felines dogs have masters...cats have staff!!! I can not describe how much I love this cat. He is my Beautifull Baby