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Cat: Beggemot
By: begemot 23.03.2011 17:23 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Beggemot Tags:
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tele_mark 24.03.2011 14:45 | Flag
So regal looking@
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About this cat
My dearest friend. On a rainy day late fall many moons ago, my wife brought home this sick and hungry feral kitten who seemed lost all hope. Our relationships have come a long way with many bites and scratches, but we developed mutual respect - a Man to his Cat and the Cat to his Man. Born and grown up in Odessa, Ukraine, matured in Israel, and now living in Bolton, Ontario. He is just one of us, sharing all our life's mysteries, miseries, and amenities. Beggemot = Behemoth, as it sounds, while said with a thick Eastern European accent. Update... Beggemot passed peacefully in his sleep one night on a descending moon. He was 18 at that time. He will forever live in our hearts.
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