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Cat: Willi
By: doerscheln 13.09.2013 12:57 « prev | next »
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Cats: Willi Tags:
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Chiara74 14.09.2013 17:04 | Flag
Oh, pauvre Willi, j'espère que tu vas aller mieux, et que tu ne souffres pas. Caresses mon mignon...
butterflynye1 14.09.2013 03:17 | Flag
I'm so sorry to hear about Willi. My love and thoughts are with you both now. Keep us informed if you can. Much love!!
iluvcats 13.09.2013 19:27 | Flag
Oh dear friend - so sorry to read about your beloved Willi - - c'mon Willi - try to be comfortable and enjoying life little sweetie. Sending prayers and positive vibes from far away but close in spirit. Luv and hugs to you Willi and all in Doerscheln land! xox
scrappy 13.09.2013 18:39 | Flag
Keeping Willi and you in my thoughts...feel better.
suelin57 13.09.2013 18:37 | Flag
Poor Willi, I'm so sorry he's not doing well. I hope he recovers.
tele_mark 13.09.2013 17:29 | Flag
Please pull through Willi.
trhays57 13.09.2013 17:28 | Flag
Thoughts and prayers for you and Willi. Hang in there baby cat.
pmgr111 13.09.2013 14:58 | Flag
Also saying prayers for you and Willi
catmum10b 13.09.2013 13:52 | Flag
Saying prayers for you and Willi. xo
doerscheln 13.09.2013 13:08 | Flag
I'm very worried about my Willi. He is having pancreas problems since last year october but this time it is very bad. The vet is afraid that the pancreas stopped working now because Willi lost so much weight although he was eating. Right now he does not want to eat and drink at all. He gets a lot of medicine, infusions, I feed him with a special liquid food and of course I hope that I wont lose him ......
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About this cat
Willi, born April 1998, was a big European shorthair. He lived in Bavaria, Germany together with Mietzi, Donna, Morris, Minka, Moritz and Paulinchen. Willi went over the rainbow bridge November 2013 but he lives on in our hearts forever.
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