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Cat: Puzzles
By: Kefka 22.05.2014 16:25 « prev | 
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Puzzles Tags: Calico MediumHair
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doerscheln 23.05.2014 08:30 | Flag
Cute Puzzles, welcome to Picato ! Yes I know that, too. I would say all my cats smelt and smell it when I make the beds, then they are there. Or maybe they wanto to help .......haha
Eli 23.05.2014 06:46 | Flag
Hello there Puzzles, so nice to meet you, my sweet:)
iluvcats 22.05.2014 21:49 | Flag
Welcome sweet Puzzles -- you look so cuddly! Can't wait for more snaps of your world!
Kefka 22.05.2014 17:59 | Flag
Puzzles will always try to sleep on the new thing, it was not use to this mattress being around.
pmgr111 22.05.2014 17:03 | Flag
Awwh Puzzles you so cute sneaking in a nap before the bed is made. My kitties like to do the same thing. It's like how dare you leave the bed unmade.
Cat's Pictures
About this cat
Born: Feb 2010
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