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Cat: Fuzzy aka Fuzz
By: CrazyCatLaydee 26.11.2013 21:27 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Fuzzy aka Fuzz Tags:
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I'm her step mommy. Fuzz is a maine coon. She is a loner gal.. or shall I say "Lady". She hangs usually in just a few spots throughout the house. She doesn't care for the other cats much and tends to dislike a few of the boys. She loves us humans though. She can be very cuddly and easy. Easy as in "Taking her to the vet doesn't bother her at all". She's not real hyper. She loves to play alone with random objects and sometimes with a select few kitties. She has a weird habit of trying to cover her business with the walls and windows. She likes looking out the window at lizards and squirrels. When my boyfriend rescued Fuzz she was in poor condition. 3 vets wanted to euthanize her cause she wasn't eating and was losing lots of weight and no one could figure out why except for the emergency vet clinic. Her previous owner took her to 3 other vets. The emergency vet found the problem removed the obstruction from her nasal cavity. After that Fuzz recovered very quickly. I had to edit this cause I needed to ask my boyfriend to give me details on her past.
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