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Cat: Storm
By: tele_mark 12.06.2016 06:38 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Storm Ambercat Williwaw Jackson Tags: group
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moulagofre 14.06.2016 10:38 | Flag
Oh please Telemark, show some respect to sweet lil' Ambercat 😉
Eli 14.06.2016 06:53 | Flag
I have to agree with Tina, Ambercat is gorgeous, Trump is not!
doerscheln 12.06.2016 08:11 | Flag
Yes a bit blurred but who cares, Ambercat is so cute , love this snap ! But please don't insult your gorgeous orange boy, he doesn't look like Donald Trump at all ! :)
tele_mark 12.06.2016 06:56 | Flag
Bad picture, but this is pretty much afternoon feeding, every day. Just before he digs his claws into my leg! And, yes, he's bolt upright on two legs and does look a little like Donald Trump here!
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About this cat
I think his name is "Storm". Because he came in totally unexpectedly, with great strength and presence, and left a wake of change behind him.
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