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Cat: Storm
By: tele_mark 11.03.2016 06:31 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Floppy Storm Mikesch Ambercat Williwaw Jackson Tags: group
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doerscheln 12.03.2016 12:47 | Flag
Maybe it's true that orange boys and girls are very special but can be little devils, too.....I just remember my last foster cat Angelo, an orange tabby. His name was Angel but he terrorized all my cats always. I had loved to keep him but it was impossible even the big boys were afraid of him.
tele_mark 12.03.2016 07:32 | Flag
I saw the paw-touching after I had snapped this pic, and did a double-take a few minutes later, and then went to grab the camera to take a close up of those paws, but by the time I came back into the room, Ambercat was sitting up and yawning, and getting ready to terrorize the world.
tele_mark 11.03.2016 15:47 | Flag
It took a little while, but he's used to it now.
doerscheln 11.03.2016 12:48 | Flag
And Ambercat has a collar now, too. Seems he doesn't mind wearing it.
doerscheln 11.03.2016 12:43 | Flag
I've just realised.....Ambercat and Storm holding sweet !
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About this cat
I think his name is "Storm". Because he came in totally unexpectedly, with great strength and presence, and left a wake of change behind him.
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