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Cat: Tigga
By: flippant 09.05.2013 21:38 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Tigga Tags:
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Gnuppy 11.05.2013 06:23 | Flag
vive la vitamine D ! (L)
isabelle 10.05.2013 10:15 | Flag
What lovely, thick, curly fur. And is that a stone massage you are having, kitty?
Cat's Pictures
About this cat
His name is Tigga and he is the sweetest cat in the world. He's been my friend though teenage years and whenever I go back home, he is just as fluffy as ever. One of his favourite things to do is roll and stretch on a warm surface outside. Funny thing is, he will do this on cue; if I say 'wiggy roll' in a slightly high pitched voice and he's outside, he'll drop to the floor and do it. His other past times include catching a billion mice a day and leaving the kidneys and tail for me to walk on. Oh, and he loves to lick ear lobes. Nobody in my fam can stand it but I put up with it, maybe why we're best friends
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