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Cat: Sister's cat Dini
By: suelin57 24.12.2012 18:11 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Sister's cat Dini Tags:
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dobrien 20.03.2013 00:38 | Flag
Eli 26.12.2012 07:33 | Flag
Lovely pic! We all should take an example from animals.
gillybean 24.12.2012 20:36 | Flag
Delightful pic: sweet friends.
Chiara74 24.12.2012 20:18 | Flag
Joyeux Noël , Merry Christmas à vous. Belle photo, ils sont beaux tous les 2.
iluvcats 24.12.2012 18:56 | Flag
Thank you, thank you for sharing this precious snap of your Dini and Travis! Merry, Merry to all in your world!
butterflynye1 24.12.2012 18:28 | Flag
So sweet..the holiday spirit in pictures. Thanks for sharing and have a happy holiday season!
suelin57 24.12.2012 18:14 | Flag
Dini sharing the Christmas spirit with his "brother" Travis. Travis, however, was already asleep when Dini joined him, and didn't realize he was there! LOL Merry Christmas to all our Picato friends.
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Cat's Pictures
About this cat
My sister's new baby as of 8-27-12 (because 5 cats, 1 dog, and 3 semi-wild outdoor cats just aren't enough). His name is Houdini (Dini for short).
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