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Cat: Tyga
By: familykaraja 14.10.2011 10:01 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Tyga Tags:
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iluvcats 14.10.2011 16:21 | Flag
Ahh Tyga - so sorry you lost your brother Cloud dear ... but I'm so happy you are in such a loving home - you are very, very fortunate. Please keep snaps of this little darling coming! xoxo
Cat's Pictures
About this cat
Tyga, brother of our much loved Cloud who tragically died in August 2011 aged 11 months. We thought Tyga would be lonely but he seems to be coping well. At first he would amble around the house looking for Cloud and waiting for him around corners ready to pounce on him. He is now King Cat who is a real lap cat, very funny and always rolling on his back for a tummy rub. Very vocal and always talking to us. Tyga is much loved and we have helped each other through this terrible time for all of us.
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