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Cat: Daisy and Andrew
By: katiebird62 10.05.2011 14:13 
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Daisy and Andrew Tags:
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BUDDERS 10.05.2011 22:13 | Flag
katiebird62 10.05.2011 19:09 | Flag
You are so welcome sweety!
iluvcats 10.05.2011 17:38 | Flag
oh katie - this is just so sweet of you to think of me and my beloved andrew and daisy - I think of them each and every day and I still see them out of the corner of my eye. I will always and forever adore kitties (and doggies) - I've devoted my life to them - no husband, no kids, no other relatives left on the planet that I really admit to (lol) - animals and their "care givers" are my passion ... I adore your Gray boy and Orian so much. Keep those snaps of them coming on Picato - which is my "home away from home". xoxo
katiebird62 10.05.2011 14:14 | Flag
A gift for iluvcats/Marilyn I am so sorry honey for your loss so I hope you don't mind I used one of your photos to make this for you. Hugs from Gray boy and Orian and of course me.♥
Cat's Pictures
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A gift for iluvcats/Marilyn I am so sorry honey for your loss so I hope you don't mind I used one of your photos to make this for you. Hugs from Gray boy and Orian and of course me.♥
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